CBD Common Misconceptions & Myths

CBD Common Misconceptions & Myths: 10 CBD Facts You Didn’t Know

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of several active chemical compounds that comes from the cannabis Sativa plant. The other often used component is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has psychoactive characteristics that cause you to become high. CBD, on the other hand, has many of the same medical and health advantages as THC without the euphoric effects. CBD is a safe, natural, and cheap pain and inflammation treatment option, making it ideal for post-athletic rehabilitation. However, there are numerous misconceptions and myths about CBD. They confuse consumers and prevent them from using it when it might significantly benefit them. We’ll go through some of the more frequent ones and explain to them for you to judge.

Top 10 Common Misconceptions Surrounding CBD

Here are some of the most common myths and facts that surround the whole CBD industry.

#1 CBD is a Type of Marijuana

CBD is NOT the same as marijuana. Though the two can come from the same cannabis plants, CBD is frequently derived from hemp. By nature, it has 0-0.3 percent THC — roughly 33 percent less than even the weakest strain of marijuana, and not nearly enough to provide a “high” feeling.

#2 CBD Will Make You High

CBD will not get you the feeling of “High” or make you feel intoxicated as THC does. A psychoactive substance, on the other hand, is technically any chemical that alters our brains and the ways we perceive our environment, whether the change is good, negative, or neutral. Caffeine is a psychoactive drug. Cannabidiol has a similar impact. CBD has a very wide range of targets, including 5-HT1A serotonin receptors, which connect our central nervous systems. There is a common misconception that CBD is not psychoactive. CBD will not get you high, but it can have a good effect on your mentality.

#3 CBD is Illegal

According to the FDA, there is growing interest in cannabis’s potential value for a range of medical problems, as well as a study on the possible negative health effects of cannabis usage. The FDA has yet to approve a cannabis marketing application for the treatment of any disease or condition. However, the FDA has authorized one cannabis-derived medical product, Epidiolex (cannabidiol), as well as three synthetic cannabis-related drug products. They are: Marinol (dronabinol), Syndros (dronabinol), and Cesamet (nabilone). These FDA-approved drugs you can buy only with a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional.

If you live in the United States, CBD produced from hemp is legal to buy and use. The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp (defined as cannabis with less than 0.3 percent THC) in the United States. They also legalized the removal of various hemp derivatives, including CBD, from the jurisdiction of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Controlled Substances Act.

You may purchase online or at health store counters. However, if you are in another part of the globe, you must obtain information on the legality of CBD in your state. This is a wise decision because laws vary from state to state.

#4 CBD is for Adults Only

This misunderstanding of CBD oil that adults use may be true for some who assume CBD oil is exactly marijuana. However, because each of these has distinct effects on the body and CBD oil contains minimal levels of THC, no research has been conducted to conclude that it is harmful to children. Medicines that contain CBD have been authorized for treatment in children with a rare type of epilepsy. There are also CBD treats for dogs and cats that people use and find beneficial for their pets.

#5 CBD Doesn’t Have Any Health Benefits

Because state policy in the United States restricted the study of cannabis and its components, the knowledge is not full. However, several new studies show that CBD can help stop seizures, relieve anxiety, inflammation, and insomnia, and assist in suppressing opiate cravings. When they verify the health claims, producers should be able to claim them.

CBD Common Misconceptions Myths

#6 CBD is Free From Side Effects

Any firm that claims CBD has no negative effects is not looking out for your best interests. In fact, CBD, like most other things we ingest, is not for everyone and may have adverse effects, especially at extremely high dosages. One thing is to bear in mind that CBD can have an impact on how our bodies metabolize some prescription drugs. You should always contact your doctor.

Side effects in clinical studies when they gave the children extremely high doses of CBD (equal to an adult ingesting a full 1,000 mg bottle of Foria’s CBD Tonic every day for 3+ months) included fatigue, decreased appetite, and digestive problems. However, when you cut the dose in half to 500 mg CBD per day — still a startling level of CBD to consume — these adverse effects almost disappear. So CBD can have negative effects — but only if you consume pounds of candies and edibles every day or if you take certain medicines. Listen to your body if you are having negative effects after consulting with your doctor and using only reliable CBD sources.

#7 CBD Products Will Cause Failed Drug Test

According to “Medical News Today“, drug tests do not test for CBD because it does not produce the “high” and is not an unlawful regulated substance. Those who use CBD may, however, fail a drug test. CBD-containing products may be tainted with THC or labeled incorrectly.

Other medications may interfere with the findings of a urine drug screen, resulting in a test that is unclear. People who wish to avoid a THC positive on a drug test can buy CBD from reputable suppliers that guarantee the product contains no THC.

#8 You Can’t Travel With CBD

Because laws differ from one country to the following, laws change as states change. There is less clarity in foreign rules and regulations on CBD. If you are traveling internationally, do your homework on the laws and regulations ahead of time. Professionals also advise against taking chances and leaving CBD products at home. As a result, they advise you to reduce the risk by avoiding the use of CBD products.

#9 Only High Dose of CBD Works

Dosages utilized in research studies differ, and there is no agreement on how much should be used for certain diseases. If you do decide to use CBD, keep in mind that there is no widely accepted dosage. According to research, people may react differently to different doses; thus the quantity that is suitable for you may vary.

Following are some doses that have been utilized in research studies for various conditions:

  • 300 to 600 mg for anxiety
  • 10 mg per day for bowel illness
  • Pain caused by cancer: 50 to 600 mg each day
  • Parkinson’s disease: 75-300 mg/day
  • Sleep deprivation: 25 mg per day.

Not only do high doses work, but you can also have 5 mg of CBD and still feel some effects. For better results, you can follow our guide mentioned here.

#10 CBD Oil & Hemp Seed Oil are Same

  • CBD oil and hemp seed oil both come from the cannabis plant.
  • CBD oil is extracted from the cannabis plant’s flowers, leaves, and stems, whereas hemp seed oil is derived from the cannabis plant’s seeds.
  • Hemp seed and CBD oil products do not generally induce a high since the amounts of THC, if any, are very low.
  • Both CBD oil and hemp seed oil offer several potential health advantages, but due to insufficient research, experts must continue to investigate them.

Final Thoughts

There is no single ‘best CBD product’ that everyone agrees outperforms all other CBD options. The simplest approach to locate CBD products that match your objectives and lifestyle is to select one that delivers an optimum dose for the duration of time you require. CBD oil has been researched for its possible involvement in relieving the pain of a wide range of common health issues, including anxiety, depression, acne, and heart disease. Because research into the possible health advantages of CBD oil is continuing, new therapeutic uses for this natural medicine are bound to emerge.

Though there is still much to understand about CBD’s efficacy and safety, current research suggests that CBD may be a safe and effective natural therapy for a variety of health conditions. You can use CBD for many conditions, most of which we listed. CBD is safe for you and your pets which is amazing. Although there were many misconceptions and myths that were untrue, we hope you realized from this what you can achieve with just a small concentration of CBD. We have seen that it can come in many forms of product and it is very important for you to see which one suits you. You can consult with your doctor to make sure your medication won’t be disturbed by the use of CBD with them and you are all set. We hope you find the right product for you and happy meditating!

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